Pour Proudly: Brooklyn Brewery Stonewall Inn IPA
The Official Beer of the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative
The Stonewall Inn IPA is a fearless IPA for all. With unabashed notes of citrus peel and grapefruit, this unapologetic and refreshing IPA reminds us of where we’ve been and celebrates where we’re going. This is a beer for everyone, no exceptions.
The Stonewall Inn IPA is a citrus-forward session IPA and the official beer of The Stonewall Inn and SIGBI. This beer helps to raise awareness and money for the LGBTQ+ community through fundraisers, celebrates the history of The Stonewall Inn, and acts as a conversation starter and way of holding room for LGBTQ+ people in beer spaces.
The Stonewall Inn has been a beacon for the global LGBTQ+ Pride movement since the famous Stonewall Uprising in 1969. The Brooklyn Brewery is very proud to partner with The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI) and to help make the world a more loving place, one beer at a time.
Brooklyn Brewery has been proud to partner with The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative, or SIGBI, since they started in 2017. SIGBI is a non-profit charitable organization inspired by the struggles and ideals of the LGBTQ+ rights movement born from The Stonewall Inn Uprising of 1969. Through awareness campaigns, educational programming, and fundraising, SIGBI supports grassroots organizations and communities across the country. You can learn more about their work at their site and follow them @stonewallgives.
In addition to supporting SIGBI through The Stonewall Inn IPA, Brooklyn Brewery directly contributes to their work on an annual basis. Both the Brooklyn Brewery and SIGBI believe that there are many communities and organizations that need assistance and encourage working with reputable entities. You can find the criteria that SIGBI uses to identify organizations they work with on their grant application page. If you are looking to inquire about receiving a grant from SIGBI or having questions regarding the process, please send an email to [email protected].